Application guide

Due to the limited seating capacity in the conference center (100 seats), participant selection will be necessary. You are all entitled to submit an abstract. Those chosen will have the opportunity to present their work, either in the form through oral communication (3 selected talks per session) or as a poster.  Therefore, we expect every attendees to stay for the whole duration of the workshop.

The workshop application fee, covering lunches, housing, and gala diner, is 700€. 

The application is as follows: 

  • If you do not have a "scienceconf" login, please proceed to the "Create an account" section. This step is mandatory before abstract submission and typically takes only a minute.
  • You may then submit an abstract through the "Abstract submission" tab. You are encouraged to utilize the provided template, which should be uploaded as a Word document on the website. Submissions in any other format will not be considered.
  • Registration and abstract submission are open until  May 31st, June 14th 2024. After this deadline, applications may still be submitted by contacting us directly, with consideration subject to availability as determined by the conference chair.
  • The reviewing committee will assess applicants based on scientific quality, relevance to the field, and strive for balance among permanent/non-permanent researchers, as well as gender and nationality diversity. Final decisions will be communicated around June 15th,June 30th2024. 
  • Successful applicants will receive an email containing a link for the payment process. Payment is required by August 31st, 2024. Any registrations not paid for by this date will be voided.


Summary of all the key dates


Opening of abstract submissions: March 25th, 2024

Abstract submission deadline: May 31st,June 14th  2024 

Opening of registrations for selected applicants:  June 15th,June 30th 2024

Closing of regular registrations (standard fee - 700€): August 31st, 2024



If you have any questions, please email us at

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